Class Summary
WatchDirectoryThread () |
Not developed fully. |
FileManager (filepath[, skip_warning]) |
Convenience to deal with file write/read. |
ReadFile (filename) |
Class to deal with reading a file. |
WriteFile (filepath) |
VersionFile (filepath) |
Convenience to version a file or folder. |
SettingsFile () |
FindUniquePath (directory) |
ParsePython (filepath) |
This needs to be replaced by something that uses the AST instead. |
PythonScope (name) |
Function Summary
get_vetala_version () |
get_vetala_directory () |
get_basename (directory) |
Get the last part of a directory name. | ||||
get_basename_no_extension (filepath) |
Get the last part of a directory name. | ||||
get_dirname (directory) |
Given a directory path, this will return the path above the last thing in the path. | ||||
get_user_dir () |
Get the path to the user directory. | ||||
get_temp_dir () |
Get path to the temp directory. | ||||
get_cwd () |
Get the current working directory. | ||||
get_files (directory) |
Get files found in the directory. | ||||
get_folders_without_prefix_dot (directory[, …]) |
get_folders (directory[, recursive]) |
Get folders found in the directory. | ||||
get_files_and_folders (directory) |
Get files and folders found in the directory. | ||||
get_folders_date_sorted (directory) |
Get folders date sorted found in the directory. | ||||
get_files_date_sorted (directory[, extension]) |
Get files date sorted found in the directory. | ||||
get_latest_file_at_path (path) |
get_latest_file (file_paths[, …]) |
get_files_with_extension (extension, directory) |
Get files that have the extensions. | ||||
get_size (path[, round_value]) |
get_filesize (filepath[, round_value]) |
Get the size of a file. | ||||
get_folder_size (path[, round_value]) |
get_last_modified_date (filepath) |
Get the last date a file was modified. | ||||
get_user () |
Get the current user. | ||||
get_file_text (filepath) |
Get the text directly from a file. | ||||
get_file_lines (filepath) |
Get the text from a file. | ||||
get_text_lines (text) |
Get the text from a file. | ||||
get_permission (filepath) |
exists (directory) |
is_dir (directory) |
is_file (filepath) |
is_file_in_dir (filename, directory) |
is_same_date (file1, file2) |
Check if 2 files have the same data. | ||||
is_same_text_content (file1, file2) |
inc_path_name (directory[, padding]) |
Add padding to a name if it is not unique. | ||||
open_browser (filepath) |
Open the file browser to the path specified. | ||||
remove_extension (path) |
get_common_path (path1, path2) |
remove_common_path (path1, path2) |
Given path1 = pathA/pathB | ||||
remove_common_path_simple (path1, path2) |
This just subtracts a string that is the same at the beginning. | ||||
get_installed_programs () |
Not working at all, very hacky | ||||
fix_slashes (directory) |
Fix slashes in a path so the are all / | ||||
set_windows_slashes (directory) |
Set all the slashes in a name so they are all :returns: The new directory path. | ||||
join_path (directory1, directory2) |
Append directory2 to the end of directory1 | ||||
rename (directory, name[, make_unique]) |
move (path1, path2) |
Move the folder or file pointed to by path1 under the directory path2 | ||||
comment (filepath, comment, comment_directory) |
Add a comment to comments.txt | ||||
get_comments (comment_directory[, …]) |
Get the comments from a comments.txt file. | ||||
write_lines (filepath, lines[, append]) |
Write a list of text lines to a file. | ||||
create_dir (name[, directory, make_unique]) |
delete_dir (name, directory) |
Delete the folder by name in the directory. | ||||
delete_read_only_error (action, name, exc) |
Helper to delete read only files. | ||||
refresh_dir (directory) |
Delete everything in the directory. | ||||
create_file (name, directory[, make_unique]) |
delete_file (name, directory) |
Delete the file by name in the directory. | ||||
copy_dir (directory, directory_destination[, …]) |
Copy the directory to a new directory. | ||||
copy_file (filepath, filepath_destination) |
Copy the file to a new directory. | ||||
delete_pyc (python_script) |
Delete the .pyc file the corresponds to the .py file | ||||
import_python_module (module_name, directory) |
source_python_module (code_directory) |
load_python_module (module_name, directory) |
Load a module by name and return its instance. | ||||
get_package_path_from_name (module_name[, …]) |
get_line_class_map (lines) |
get_line_imports (lines) |
This needs to be replaced by AST stuff. | ||||
get_defined (module_path[, name_only]) |
Get classes and definitions from the text of a module. | ||||
get_defined_classes (module_path) |
get_ast_function_name_and_args (function_node) |
get_ast_function_args (function_node) |
get_ast_class_sub_functions (module_path, …) |
get_ast_class_members (class_node[, parents, …]) |
get_ast_assignment (text, line_number, assignment) |
launch_maya (version[, script]) |
Needs maya installed. | ||||
launch_nuke (version[, command]) |
Needs nuke installed. | ||||
run_ffmpeg () |
Needs ffmpeg installed. |
(directory)¶ Get the last part of a directory name. If the name is C:/goo/foo, this will return foo.
Parameters: directoroy (str) – A directory path. Returns: The last part of the directory path. Return type: str
(filepath)¶ Get the last part of a directory name. If the name is C:/goo/foo.py, this will return foo.
Parameters: directoroy (str) – A directory path. Returns: The last part of the directory path, without any extensions. Return type: str
(directory)¶ Given a directory path, this will return the path above the last thing in the path. If C:/goo/foo is give, C:/goo will be returned.
Parameters: directory (str) – A directory path. Returns: The front portion of the path. Return type: str
()¶ Get the path to the user directory.
Returns: The path to the user directory. Return type: str
()¶ Get path to the temp directory.
Returns: The path to the temp directory. Return type: str
()¶ Get the current working directory.
Returns: The path to the current working directory. Return type: str
(directory)¶ Get files found in the directory.
Parameters: directory (str) – A directory path. Returns: A list of files in the directory. Return type: list
(directory, recursive=False, base_directory=None)¶
(directory, recursive=False)¶ Get folders found in the directory.
Parameters: directory (str) – A directory path. Returns: A list of folders in the directory. Return type: list
(directory)¶ Get files and folders found in the directory.
Parameters: directory (str) – A directory path. Returns: A list of files and folders in the directory. Return type: list
(directory)¶ Get folders date sorted found in the directory.
Parameters: directory (str) – A directory path. Returns: A list of folders date sorted in the directory. Return type: list
(directory, extension=None)¶ Get files date sorted found in the directory.
Parameters: directory (str) – A directory path. Returns: A list of files date sorted in the directory. Return type: list
(file_paths, only_return_one_match=True)¶
(extension, directory, fullpath=False)¶ Get files that have the extensions.
Parameters: - extension (str) – eg. .py, .data, etc.
- directory (str) – A directory path.
- fullpath (bool) – Wether to returh the filepath or just the file names.
Returns: A list of files with the extension.
Return type:
(path, round_value=2)¶
(filepath, round_value=2)¶ Get the size of a file.
Parameters: filepath (str) – - Retrun
- float: The size of the file specified by filepath.
(path, round_value=2)¶
(filepath)¶ Get the last date a file was modified.
Parameters: filepath (str) – Returns: A formatted date and time. Return type: str
()¶ Get the current user.
Returns: The name of the current user. Return type: str
(filepath)¶ Get the text directly from a file. One long string, no parsing.
(filepath)¶ Get the text from a file.
Parameters: filepath (str) – The filename and path. Returns: str
(text)¶ Get the text from a file. Each line is stored as a different entry in a list.
Parameters: text (str) – Text from get_file_lines Returns: list
(directory)¶ Returns: bool
(filepath)¶ Returns: bool
(filename, directory)¶ Parameters: - filename (str) – Filename including path.
- directory (str) – Directory name including path.
Returns: Wether the file is in the directory.
Return type: bool
(file1, file2)¶ Check if 2 files have the same data.
Parameters: - file1 (str) – Filename including path.
- file2 (str) – Filename including path.
Returns: bool
(file1, file2)¶
(directory, padding=0)¶ Add padding to a name if it is not unique.
Parameters: - directory (str) – Directory name including path.
- padding (int) – Where the padding should start.
Returns: The new directory with path.
Return type: str
(filepath)¶ Open the file browser to the path specified. Currently only works in windows.
Parameters: filepath (str) – Filename with path.
(path1, path2)¶
(path1, path2)¶ Given path1 = pathA/pathB and path2 = pathA/pathC
or path1 = pathA and path2 = pathA/pathC
return pathC
(path1, path2)¶ This just subtracts a string that is the same at the beginning. path1 gets subtracted from path2
()¶ Not working at all, very hacky
(directory)¶ Fix slashes in a path so the are all /
Returns: The new directory path. Return type: str
(directory)¶ Set all the slashes in a name so they are all :returns: The new directory path. :rtype: str
(directory1, directory2)¶ Append directory2 to the end of directory1
Returns: The combined directory path. Return type: str
(directory, name, make_unique=False)¶ Parameters: - directory (str) – Full path to the directory to rename.
- name (str) – The new name.
- make_unique (bool) – Wether to add a number to the name to make it unique, if needed.
- Retrun
- str: The path of the renamed folder, or False if rename fails.
(path1, path2)¶ Move the folder or file pointed to by path1 under the directory path2
Parameters: - path1 (str) – File or folder including path.
- path2 (str) – Path where path1 should move to.
Returns: Wether the move was successful.
Return type: bool
(filepath, comment, comment_directory)¶ Add a comment to comments.txt
Parameters: - filepath (str) – Filename and path of the file that is being commented about.
- comment (str) – The comment
- comment_directoyr (str) – Directory where the comments.txt file should be saved.
(comment_directory, comment_filename=None)¶ Get the comments from a comments.txt file.
Parameters: - comment_directory (str) – Directory where the comments.txt file lives.
- comment_filename (str) – The name of the comment file. By default comments.txt
Returns: comment dict, keys are filename, and value is (comment, user)
Return type: dict
(filepath, lines, append=False)¶ Write a list of text lines to a file. Every entry in the list is a new line.
Parameters: - filepath (str) – filename and path
- lines (list) – A list of text lines. Each entry is a new line.
- append (bool) – Wether to append the text or if not replace it.
(name, directory=None, make_unique=False)¶ Parameters: - name (str) – The name of the new directory.
- make_unique (bool) – Wether to pad the name with a number to make it unique. Only if the name is taken.
Returns: The folder name with path. False if create_dir failed.
Return type: str
(name, directory)¶ Delete the folder by name in the directory.
Parameters: - name (str) – The name of the folder to delete.
- directory (str) – The dirpath where the folder lives.
Returns: The folder that was deleted with path.
Return type: str
(action, name, exc)¶ Helper to delete read only files.
(directory)¶ Delete everything in the directory.
(name, directory, make_unique=False)¶ Parameters: - name (str) – The name of the new file.
- make_unique (bool) – Wether to pad the name with a number to make it unique. Only if the name is taken.
Returns: The filename with path. False if create_dir failed.
Return type: str
(name, directory)¶ Delete the file by name in the directory.
Parameters: - name (str) – The name of the file to delete.
- directory (str) – The dirpath where the file lives.
Returns: The filepath that was deleted.
Return type: str
(directory, directory_destination, ignore_patterns=[])¶ Copy the directory to a new directory.
Parameters: - directory (str) – The directory to copy with path.
- directory_destination (str) – The destination directory.
- ignore_patterns (list) – Add txt, py or extensions to ingore them from copying.
- if py is added to the ignore patterns list, all *.py files will be ignored from the copy. (Eg.) –
Returns: The destination directory
Return type: str
(filepath, filepath_destination)¶ Copy the file to a new directory.
Parameters: - filepath (str) – The file to copy with path.
- filepath_destination (str) – The destination directory.
Returns: The destination directory
Return type: str
(python_script)¶ Delete the .pyc file the corresponds to the .py file
(module_name, directory)¶
(module_name, directory)¶ Load a module by name and return its instance.
Parameters: - module_name (str) – The name of the module found in the directory.
- directory (str) – The directory path where the module lives.
Returns: The module instance. With the module instance you can access programattically functions and attributes of the modules.
Return type: module instance
(module_name, return_module_paths=False)¶
(lines)¶ This needs to be replaced by AST stuff.
(module_path, name_only=False)¶ Get classes and definitions from the text of a module.
(module_path, class_name)¶
(class_node, parents=[], skip_list=None)¶
(text, line_number, assignment)¶
(version, script=None)¶ Needs maya installed. If maya is installed in the default directory, will launch the version specified.
(version, command=None)¶ Needs nuke installed. If nuke is installed in default path, it will launch the version specified.
()¶ Needs ffmpeg installed.