Class Summary
Control (name) |
Convenience for creating controls |
StoreControlData ([node]) |
StretchyChain () |
rigs |
RiggedLine (top_transform, btm_transform, name) |
rigs |
RigSwitch (switch_joint) |
Create a switch between different rigs on a buffer joint. |
MirrorControlKeyframes (node) |
Function Summary
rename_control (old_name, new_name) |
rename_message_groups (search_name, replace_name) |
create_joint_buffer (joint[, connect_inverse]) |
create_distance_scale (xform1, xform2[, …]) |
Create a stretch effect on a transform by changing the scale when the distance changes between xform1 and xform2. |
create_sparse_joints_on_curve (curve, …) |
Create joints on a curve that are evenly spaced and not in hierarchy. |
create_joints_on_curve (*args, **kwargs) |
Create joints on curve that do not aim at child. |
create_spline_ik_stretch (curve, joints[, …]) |
Makes the joints stretch on the curve. |
create_simple_spline_ik_stretch (curve, joints) |
Stretch joints on curve. |
create_bulge_chain (joints, control[, max_value]) |
Adds scaling to a joint chain that mimics a cartoony water bulge moving along a tube. |
create_distance_falloff (source_transform[, …]) |
Under development. |
create_attribute_lag (source, attribute, targets) |
Add lag to the targets based on a source attribute. |
create_attribute_spread (control, transforms) |
Given a list of transforms, create a spread attribute which will cause them to rotate apart. |
create_attribute_spread_translate (control, …) |
Given a list of transforms, create a spread attribute which will cause them to translate apart. |
create_offset_sequence (attribute, …) |
Create an offset where target_transforms lag behind the attribute. |
get_controls ([namespace]) |
Get the controls in a scene. |
select_controls ([namespace]) |
key_controls ([namespace]) |
mirror_control (*args, **kwargs) |
Find the right side control of a left side control, and mirror the control cvs. |
mirror_controls (*args, **kwargs) |
Mirror cv positions of all controls in the scene. |
mirror_curve ([prefix]) |
Mirror curves in a scene if the end in _L and _R |
process_joint_weight_to_parent (mesh) |
Sometimes joints have a sub joint added to help hold weighting and help with heat weighting. |
joint_axis_visibility (*args, **kwargs) |
Show/hide the axis orientation of each joint. |
hook_ik_fk (control, joint, groups[, attribute]) |
Convenience for hooking up ik fk. |
fix_fade (target_curve, follow_fade_multiplies) |
This fixes multiplyDivides so that they will multiply by a value that has them match the curve when they move. |
scale_controls (*args, **kwargs) |
fix_sub_controls (*args, **kwargs) |
set_control_space (x, y, z, control[, …]) |
(old_name, new_name)¶
(search_name, replace_name)¶
(joint, connect_inverse=True)¶
(xform1, xform2, axis=’X’, offset=1)¶ Create a stretch effect on a transform by changing the scale when the distance changes between xform1 and xform2.
Parameters: - xform1 (str) – The name of a transform.
- xform2 (str) – The name of a transform.
- axis (str) – “X”, “Y”, “Z” The axis to attach the stretch effect to.
- offset (float) – Add an offset to the value.
Returns: (locator1, locator2) The names of the two locators used to calculate distance.
Return type: tuple
(curve, joint_count, description)¶ Create joints on a curve that are evenly spaced and not in hierarchy.
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Create joints on curve that do not aim at child.
Parameters: - curve (str) – The name of a curve.
- joint_count (int) – The number of joints to create.
- description (str) – The description to give the joints.
- attach (bool) – Wether to attach the joints to the curve.
- create_controls (bool) – Wether to create controls on the joints.
Returns: [ joints, group, control_group ] joints is a list of joinst, group is the main group for the joints, control_group is the main group above the controls. If create_controls = False then control_group = None
Return type:
(curve, joints, node_for_attribute=None, create_stretch_on_off=False, create_bulge=True, scale_axis=’X’)¶ Makes the joints stretch on the curve. Joints must be on a spline ik that is attached to the curve.
Parameters: - curve (str) – The name of the curve that joints are attached to via spline ik.
- joints (list) – List of joints attached to spline ik.
- node_for_attribute (str) – The name of the node to create the attributes on.
- create_stretch_on_off (bool) – Wether to create extra attributes to slide the stretch value on/off.
- create_bulge (bool) – Wether to add bulging to the other axis that are not the scale axis.
- scale_axis (str) – ‘X’, ‘Y’, or ‘Z’, the axis that the joints stretch on.
(curve, joints, stretch_axis=’Y’)¶ Stretch joints on curve. Joints must be attached to a spline ik. This is a much simpler setup than create_spline_ik_stretch.
Parameters: - curve (str) – The name of the curve that joints are attached to via spline ik.
- joints (list) – List of joints attached to spline ik.
(joints, control, max_value=15)¶ Adds scaling to a joint chain that mimics a cartoony water bulge moving along a tube.
Parameters: - joints (list) – List of joints that the bulge effect should move along.
- control (str) – Name of the control to put the bulge slider on.
- max_value (float) – The maximum value of the slider.
(source_transform, source_local_vector=[1, 0, 0], target_world_vector=[1, 0, 0], description=’falloff’)¶ Under development.
(source, attribute, targets)¶ Add lag to the targets based on a source attribute. A lag attribute will also be added to source to turn the effect on and off. If you are animating the rotation of a control inputs are as follows:
create_attribute_lag( ‘CNT_FIN_1_L’, ‘rotateY’, [‘driver_CNT_FIN_2_L, ‘driver_CNT_FIN_3_L’, ‘driver_CNT_FIN_4_L’] )
Parameters: - source (str) – The node where the attribute lives. Also a lag attribute will be created here.
- attribute (str) – The attribute to lag. Sometimes can be rotateX, rotateY or rotateZ.
- targets (list) – A list of targets to connect the lag into. The attribute arg will be used as the attribute to connect into on each target.
(control, transforms, name=’spread’, axis=’Y’, invert=False, create_driver=False)¶ Given a list of transforms, create a spread attribute which will cause them to rotate apart.
Parameters: - control (str) – The name of a control where the spread attribute should be created.
- transforms (list) – A list of transforms that should spread apart by rotation.
- name (str) – The name of the attribute to create.
- axis (str) – Can be ‘X’,’Y’,’Z’
- invert (bool) – Wether to invert the spread behavior so it can mirror.
- create_driver (bool) – Wether to create a driver group above the transform.
(control, transforms, name=’spread’, axis=’Z’, invert=False)¶ Given a list of transforms, create a spread attribute which will cause them to translate apart. This is good for fingers that are rigged with ik handles.
Parameters: - control (str) – The name of a control where the spread attribute should be created.
- transforms (list) – A list of transforms that should spread apart by translation.
- name (str) – The name of the attribute to create.
- axis (str) – Can be ‘X’,’Y’,’Z’
- invert (bool) – Wether to invert the spread behavior so it can mirror.
(attribute, target_transforms, target_attributes)¶ Create an offset where target_transforms lag behind the attribute.
(namespace=”)¶ Get the controls in a scene.
It follows these rules
First check if a transform starts with “CNT_” Second check if a transform has a an attribute named control. Third check if a transform has an attribute named tag and is a nurbsCurve, and that tag has a value. Fourth check if a transform has an attribute called curveType.
If it matches any of these conditions it is considered a control.
Returns: List of control names. Return type: list
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Find the right side control of a left side control, and mirror the control cvs.
It follows these rules: It will only match if the corresponding right side name exists.
Replace _L with _R at the end of a control name. Replace L_ with R_ at the start of a control name. Replace lf with rt inside the control name
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Mirror cv positions of all controls in the scene. See get_controls() and mirror_control() for rules.
(prefix=None)¶ Mirror curves in a scene if the end in _L and _R
(mesh)¶ Sometimes joints have a sub joint added to help hold weighting and help with heat weighting. This will do it for all joints with name matching process_ at the beginning on the mesh arg that is skinned.
Parameters: mesh (str) – A mesh skinned to process joints.
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Show/hide the axis orientation of each joint.
(control, joint, groups, attribute=’ikFk’)¶ Convenience for hooking up ik fk.
Parameters: - control (str) – The name of the control where the attribute arg should be created.
- joint (str) – The joint with the switch attribute. When adding multiple rigs to one joint chain, the first joint will have a switch attribute added.
- groups (list) – The ik control group name and the fk control group name.
- attribute (str) – The name to give the attribute on the control. Usually ‘ikFk’
(target_curve, follow_fade_multiplies)¶ This fixes multiplyDivides so that they will multiply by a value that has them match the curve when they move.
For example if eye_lid_locator is multiplyDivided in translate to move with CNT_EYELID. Pass its multiplyDivide node to this function with a curve that matches the btm eye lid. The function will find the amount the multiplyDivide.input2X needs to move, so that when CNT_EYELID moves on Y it will match the curvature of target_curve.
Parameters: - target_curve (str) – The name of the curve to match to.
- follow_fade_multiplies (str) – A list of a multiplyDivides.
(*args, **kwargs)¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶
(x, y, z, control, compensate_cvs=True)¶