Welcome to the Vetala Api.
Vetala has many helpful python modules to rig characters and setup rebuilding.
from vtool import util
Utilities for simplifying python and math scripts.
from vtool import util_file
Utilities for simplifying file creation, writing and reading.
from vtool import data
Utility for data export/import.
from vtool.process_manager import process
When running code through Vetala you can access the Process through the process namespace. The following code calls the import_data function of the Process class for the current process instance. Any function of the Process class can be called. This makes working in context very easy.
from vtool.maya_lib import util
Deprecated. vtool.maya_lib.util will no longer be supported.
from vtool.maya_lib import rigs
Rig classes
from vtool.maya_lib import rigs_util
Rig utilities
from vtool.maya_lib import core
Utilities for dealing with maya tasks.
from vtool.maya_lib import attr
Utilities for dealing with maya attributes and connections.
from vtool.maya_lib import space
Utilities for dealing with maya constraints and transformations.
from vtool.maya_lib import geo
Utilities for dealing with and creating maya geometry.
from vtool.maya_lib import deform
Utilities for dealing with and creating maya deformers.
from vtool.maya_lib import shade
Utilities for dealing with and creating maya shaders.
from vtool.maya_lib import fx
Utilities for dealing with and creating maya ncloth and nhair.
from vtool.maya_lib import blendshape
Utilities for dealing with maya blendshapes.
from vtool.maya_lib import corrective
Utilities for Vetala maya correctives.