Class Summary
StopWatch () |
Utility to check how long a command takes to run. |
VectorBase |
Vector2D ([x, y]) |
Vector ([x, y, z]) |
BoundingBox (btm_corner_vector, top_corner_vector) |
Convenience for dealing with bounding boxes |
Variable ([name]) |
Simple base class for variables on a node. |
Part (name) |
FindUniqueString (test_string) |
QuickSort (list_of_numbers) |
Really fast method for sorting. |
Function Summary
initialize_env (name) |
Initialize a new environment variable. | ||||
set_env (name, value) |
Set the value of an environment variable. | ||||
get_env (name) |
Get the value of an environment variable. | ||||
add_to_PYTHONPATH (path) |
Add a path to the python path, only if it isn’t present in the python path. | ||||
profiler_event (frame, event, arg[, indent]) |
activate_profiler () |
Activating the profiler will give extremely detailed information about what functions are running and in what order. | ||||
try_pass (function) |
Try a function and if it fails pass. | ||||
is_in_maya () |
Check to see if scope is in Maya. | ||||
has_shotgun_api () |
Check if the shotgun api is available. | ||||
has_shotgun_tank () |
Check if the shotgun tank api is available. | ||||
get_current_maya_location () |
Get where maya is currently running from. | ||||
is_in_nuke () |
Check to see if scope is in Nuke | ||||
is_linux () |
Check to see if running in linux | ||||
is_windows () |
Check to see if running in windows | ||||
get_maya_version () |
Get the version of maya that the scope is running in. | ||||
break_signaled () |
Check to see if Vetala break was signalled. | ||||
vector_multiply (vector, value) |
vector_divide (vector, value) |
vector_magnitude (vector) |
Get the magnitude of a vector. | ||||
vector_add (vector1, vector2) |
vector_cross (vector1, vector2[, normalize]) |
rotate_x_at_origin (vector, value[, …]) |
Rotate a vector around its x axis. | ||||
rotate_y_at_origin (vector, value[, …]) |
Rotate a vector around its y axis. | ||||
rotate_z_at_origin (vector, value[, …]) |
Rotate a vector around its z axis. | ||||
get_axis_vector (axis_name) |
Convenience. | ||||
fade_sine (percent_value) |
fade_cosine (percent_value) |
fade_smoothstep (percent_value) |
fade_sigmoid (percent_value) |
set_percent_range (percent_value, new_min, …) |
get_distance (vector1, vector2) |
Get the distance between two vectors. | ||||
get_distance_2D (vector1_2D, vector2_2D) |
Get the distance between two 2D vectors. | ||||
get_magnitude_2D (vector_2D) |
get_dot_product (vector1, vector2) |
Get the dot product of two vectors. | ||||
get_dot_product_2D (vector1_2D, vector2_2D) |
Get the dot product of two 2D vectors. | ||||
get_average (numbers) |
get_midpoint (vector1, vector2) |
Get the mid vector between two vectors. | ||||
get_inbetween_vector (vector1, vector2[, percent]) |
Get a vector inbetween vector1 and vector2 at the percent | ||||
get_simple_center_vector (list_of_vectors) |
is_the_same_number (number1, number2[, tolerance]) |
convert_to_sequence (variable[, sequence_type]) |
Easily convert to a sequence. | ||||
line_side (start_vector, end_vector, …) |
Find out what side a position_vector is on given a line defined by start_vector and end_vector. | ||||
closest_percent_on_line_3D (start_vector, …) |
Get how far a vector is on a line. | ||||
closest_percent_on_line_2D (start_vector, …) |
Get how far a vector is on a line. | ||||
closest_point_to_line_2D (start_vector, …) |
convert_number_to_month (month_int) |
get_current_time ([date_and_time]) |
get_current_date () |
get_first_number (input_string[, as_string]) |
get_last_number (input_string) |
get_end_number (input_string[, as_string]) |
Get the number at the end of a string. | ||||
get_trailing_number (input_string[, …]) |
Get the number at the very end of a string. | ||||
search_first_number (input_string) |
search_last_number (input_string) |
Get the last number in a string. | ||||
replace_last_number (input_string, replace_string) |
Replace the last number with something. | ||||
increment_first_number (input_string) |
increment_last_number (input_string) |
Up the value of the last number by 1. | ||||
find_special (pattern, string_value, …) |
replace_string (string_value, replace_string, …) |
replace_string_at_end (line, …) |
replace_string_at_start (line, …) |
clean_file_string (string) |
clean_name_string (string_value[, …]) |
show_list_to_string (*args) |
show (*args) |
warning (*args) |
error (*args) |
find_possible_combos (names[, sort, …]) |
(name)¶ Initialize a new environment variable. If the variable already exists, does nothing, no environment variable is initialized.
Parameters: name (str) – Name of the new environment variable.
(name, value)¶ Set the value of an environment variable.
Parameters: - name (str) – Name of the environment variable to set.
- value (str) – If a number is supplied it will automatically be converted to str.
(name)¶ Get the value of an environment variable.
Parameters: name (str) – Name of an environment variable. - Returns
- str:
(path)¶ Add a path to the python path, only if it isn’t present in the python path.
Parameters: path (str) – The path to add to the python path.
(frame, event, arg, indent=[0])¶
()¶ Activating the profiler will give extremely detailed information about what functions are running and in what order.
(function)¶ Try a function and if it fails pass. Used as a decorator. Usage: @try_pass def myFunction():
print ‘something’
()¶ Check to see if scope is in Maya.
Returns: Return type: bool
()¶ Check if the shotgun api is available.
Returns: Return type: bool
()¶ Check if the shotgun tank api is available.
Returns: Return type: bool
()¶ Get where maya is currently running from.
()¶ Check to see if scope is in Nuke
Returns: Return type: bool
()¶ Check to see if running in linux
Returns: Return type: bool
()¶ Check to see if running in windows
Returns: Return type: bool
()¶ Get the version of maya that the scope is running in.
Returns: The date of the Maya version. Return type: int
()¶ Check to see if Vetala break was signalled.
Returns: Return type: bool
(vector, value)¶ Parameters: - vector (list) – 3 value list
- value (float) – value to multiply the vector by
Returns: 3 value list
Return type:
(vector, value)¶ Parameters: - vector (list) – 3 value list
- value (float) – value to divide the vector by
Returns: 3 value list
Return type:
(vector)¶ Get the magnitude of a vector. Good to see if there is any distance before doing a full distance calculation.
Parameters: - vector (list) – 3 value list
- value (float) – value to divide the vector by
Returns: Return type: float
(vector1, vector2)¶ Parameters: Returns: 3 value list
Return type:
(vector1, vector2, normalize=True)¶ Parameters: Returns: 3 value list
Return type:
(vector, value, value_in_radians=False)¶ Rotate a vector around its x axis.
Parameters: - vector (list) – 3 value list
- value (float) – amount to rotate
- value_in_radians (bool) – If the value is in radians, if not in degrees.
Returns: 3 value list that is the result of the rotation.
Return type:
(vector, value, value_in_radians=False)¶ Rotate a vector around its y axis.
Parameters: - vector (list) – 3 value list
- value (float) – amount to rotate
- value_in_radians (bool) – If the value is in radians, if not in degrees.
Returns: 3 value list that is the result of the rotation.
Return type:
(vector, value, value_in_radians=False)¶ Rotate a vector around its z axis.
Parameters: - vector (list) – 3 value list
- value (float) – amount to rotate
- value_in_radians (bool) – If the value is in radians, if not in degrees.
Returns: 3 value list that is the result of the rotation.
Return type:
(axis_name)¶ Convenience. Good for multiplying against a matrix.
Parameters: axis_name (str) – ‘X’ or ‘Y’ or ‘Z’ Returns: vector eg. (1,0,0) for ‘X’, (0,1,0) for ‘Y’ and (0,0,1) for ‘Z’ Return type: tuple
(percent_value, new_min, new_max)¶
(vector1, vector2)¶ Get the distance between two vectors.
Parameters: Returns: The distance between the two vectors.
Return type: float
(vector1_2D, vector2_2D)¶ Get the distance between two 2D vectors.
Parameters: Returns: The distance between the two 2D vectors.
Return type: float
(vector_2D)¶ Parameters: vector_2D (list) – eg [0,0] vector Returns: The magnitude of the vector. Return type: float
(vector1, vector2)¶ Get the dot product of two vectors. Good for calculating angles.
Parameters: Returns: The dot product between the two vectors.
Return type: float
(vector1_2D, vector2_2D)¶ Get the dot product of two 2D vectors. Good for calculating angles.
Parameters: Returns: The dot product between the two 2D vectors.
Return type: float
(numbers)¶ Parameters: numbers (list) – A list of floats. Returns: The average of the floats in numbers list. Return type: float
(vector1, vector2)¶ Get the mid vector between two vectors.
Parameters: Returns: eg. [0,0,0] the midpoint vector between vector1 and vector2
Return type:
(vector1, vector2, percent=0.5)¶ Get a vector inbetween vector1 and vector2 at the percent
Parameters: - vector1 (list) – eg. [0,0,0] vector
- vector2 (list) – eg. [0,0,0] vector
- percent (float) – The percent the vector should be between vector1 and vector2.
- percent will be exactly on vector1. (0) –
- percent will be exactly on vector2. (1) –
- percent will be exactly the midpoint between vector1 and vector2. (0.5) –
Returns: eg. [0,0,0] the vector that represents the vector at the percentage between vector1 and vector2
Return type:
(number1, number2, tolerance=1e-05)¶
(variable, sequence_type=<type ‘list’>)¶ Easily convert to a sequence. If variable is already of sequence_type, pass it through. If variable is a list and sequence_type is tuple, convert to tuple. If variable is a tuple and sequence_type is list, convert to list. If variable is not a list or tuple, than create a sequence of sequence type.
Basically insures that a variable is a list or a tuple.
Parameters: - variable – Any variable.
- sequence_type – Can either be python list or python tuple. Needs to be the type ojbect, which means pass it list or tuple not as a string.
Returns: Returns list or tuple depending on the sequence_type.
Return type: list, tuple
(start_vector, end_vector, position_vector)¶ Find out what side a position_vector is on given a line defined by start_vector and end_vector.
Parameters: Returns: If positive it’s on one side of the line, if negative its on the other side.
Return type: float
(start_vector, end_vector, position_vector, clamp=True)¶ Get how far a vector is on a line. If the vector is on start_vector, return 0. If vector is on end vector, return 1. If vector is half way between start and end return 0.5.
(start_vector, end_vector, position_vector, clamp=True)¶ Get how far a vector is on a line. If the vector is on start_vector, return 0. If vector is on end vector, return 1. If vector is half way between start and end return 0.5.
(start_vector, end_vector, position_vector, clamp=True, return_percent=False)¶
(input_string, as_string=False)¶
(input_string, as_string=False)¶ Get the number at the end of a string.
Parameters: input_string (str) – The string to search for a number. Returns: The number at the end of the string. Return type: int
(input_string, as_string=False, number_count=-1)¶ Get the number at the very end of a string. If number not at the end of the string return None.
(input_string)¶ Get the last number in a string.
Parameters: input_string (str) – The string to search for a number. Returns: The last number in the string. Return type: int
(input_string, replace_string)¶ Replace the last number with something.
Parameters: - input_string (str) – A string to search for the last number.
- replace_string (str) – The string to replace the last number with.
Returns: The new string after replacing.
Return type: str
(input_string)¶ Up the value of the last number by 1.
Parameters: input_string (str) – The string to search for the last number. Returns: The new string after the last number is incremented. Return type: str
(pattern, string_value, position_string)¶ Parameters: - pattern (str) – A regular expression pattern to search for.
- string_value (str) – The string to search in.
- position_string (str) – ‘start’,’end’,’first’,’last’,’inside’ Where the pattern should search.
Returns: (start_int, end_int) The start and end index of the found pattern. Returns (None,None) if nothing found.
Return type: tuple
(string_value, replace_string, start, end)¶
(line, string_to_replace, replace_string)¶
(line, string_to_replace, replace_string)¶
(string_value, clean_chars=’_’, remove_char=’_’)¶
(names, sort=False, one_increment=False)¶