
Class Summary

PinXform(xform_name) This allows you to pin a transform so that its parent and child are not affected by any edits.
MatchSpace(source_transform, target_transform) Used to match transformation between two transform node.
ConstraintEditor() Convenience class for editing constraints.
IkHandle(name) Convenience for creating ik handles.
OrientJoint(joint_name) This will orient the joint using the attributes created with OrientJointAttributes.
BoundingBox(thing) Convenience for dealing with bounding boxes.
AttachJoints(source_joints, target_joints) Attach a chain of joints to a matching chain.
DuplicateHierarchy(transform) Duplicate the hierachy of a transform.
OverDriveTranslation(transform, driver)

Function Summary

has_constraint(transform) Find out if a constraint is affecting the transform.
is_transform_default(transform) Check if a transform has the default values (identity matrix).
get_non_default_transforms() Get transforms in the scene that don’t have default values.
zero_out_transform_channels(transform) Zero out the translate and rotate on a transform.
get_hierarchy_path(top_transform, btm_transform) Gets relatives in the hierarchy between top_transform and btm_transform
get_bounding_box_size(transform) Get the size of the bounding box.
get_center(transform) Get the center of a selection.
get_btm_center(transform) Get the bottom center of a selection.
get_top_center(transform) Get the top center of a selection.
get_closest_transform(source_transform, targets) Given the list of target transforms, find the closest to the source transform.
get_middle_transform(transform_list) Given a list of transforms, find the middle index.
get_distance(source, target) Get the distance between the source transform and the target transform.
get_midpoint(source, target) Get the midpoint between the source transform and the target transform.
get_distances(sources, target) Given a list of source transforms, return a list of distances to the target transform
get_polevector(transform1, transform2, …) Given 3 transforms eg.
get_group_in_plane(transform1, transform2, …) Create a group that sits in the triangle plane defined by the 3 transforms.
get_ordered_distance_and_transform(…) Return a list of distances based on how far each transform in transform list is from source_transform.
get_transform_list_from_distance(…) Return a list of distances that corresponds to the transform_list.
get_side(transform, center_tolerance) Get the side of a transform based on its position in world space.
get_axis_vector(transform, axis_vector) This currently only works on transforms that have not been frozen.
create_follow_fade(source_guide, drivers[, …]) Create a multiply divide for each transform in drivers with a weight value based on the distance from source_guide.
create_match_group(transform[, prefix, …]) Create a group that matches a transform.
create_xform_group(transform[, prefix, …]) Create a group above a transform that matches transformation of the transform.
create_follow_group(source_transform, …[, …]) Create a group above a target_transform that is constrained to the source_transform.
create_local_follow_group(source_transform, …) Create a group above a target_transform that is local constrained to the source_transform.
create_multi_follow_direct(source_list, …) Create a group above the target that is constrained to multiple transforms.
create_multi_follow(source_list, …[, …]) Create a group above the target that is constrained to multiple transforms.
get_xform_group(transform[, xform_group_prefix]) This returns an xform group above the control.
get_hierarchy(node_name) Return the name of the node including the hierarchy in the name using “|”.
has_parent(transform, parent) Check to see if the transform has parent in its parent hierarchy.
transfer_relatives(source_node, target_node) Reparent the children of source_node under target_node.
constrain_local(source_transform, …[, …]) Constrain a target transform to a source transform in a way that allows for setups to remain local to the origin.
subdivide_joint([joint1, joint2, count, …]) Add evenly spaced joints inbetween joint1 and joint2.
orient_attributes([scope]) Orient all transforms with attributes added by add_orient_attributes.
add_orient_joint(joint) Add orient joint.
orient_x_to_child(joint[, invert]) Helper function to quickly orient a joint to its child.
find_transform_right_side(transform) Try to find the right side of a transform.
find_transform_left_side(transform) Try to find the right side of a transform.
mirror_xform([prefix, suffix, string_search]) Mirror the positions of all transforms that match the search strings.
mirror_invert(transform[, other]) If transform is joint_lip_L and there is a corresponding joint_lip_R, this will change joint_lip_R to have space that mirrors joint_lip_L.
match_all_transform_values(source_transform, …) Match transform values from source to target.
match_joint_xform(prefix, other_prefix) Match the positions of joints with similar names.
match_orient(prefix, other_prefix) Match the orientations of joints with similar names.
create_no_twist_aim(source_transform, …[, …]) Aim target transform at the source transform, trying to rotate only on one axis.
create_pole_chain(top_transform, …[, solver]) Create a two joint chain with an ik handle.
scale_constraint_to_local(scale_constraint) Scale constraint can work wrong when given the parent matrix.
scale_constraint_to_world(scale_constraint) Works with scale_constraint_to_local.
duplicate_joint_section(joint[, name]) Joint chains ususally have a parent and a child along the chain.
transforms_to_joint_chain(transforms[, name]) Given a list of transforms, create a joint chain.
attach_to_closest_transform(…) Attach the source_transform to the closest transform in the list of target_transforms.
create_ghost_chain(transforms) A ghost chain has the same hierarchy has the supplied transforms.
set_space_scale(scale_x, scale_y, scale_z, …)
connect_inverse_scale(transform, joint)
randomize([translate, rotate, scale, transforms]) Good for giving subtle randomness to many transforms.



Find out if a constraint is affecting the transform.

Parameters:transform (str) – The name of a transform.

Check if a transform has the default values (identity matrix).

For example:

transate = [0,0,0]

rotate = [0,0,0]

scale = [1,1,1]


Get transforms in the scene that don’t have default values.


Zero out the translate and rotate on a transform.

get_hierarchy_path(top_transform, btm_transform)

Gets relatives in the hierarchy between top_transform and btm_transform

  • top_transform (str) – The name of the top transform.
  • btm_transform (str) – The name of the btm transform. Needs to be a child of top_transform.

Get the size of the bounding box.


Get the center of a selection. Selection can be component or transform.

Parameters:transform (str) – Name of a node in maya.
Returns:The center vector, eg [0,0,0]
Return type:vector list

Get the bottom center of a selection. Selection can be component or transform.

Parameters:transform (str) – Name of a node in maya.
Returns:The btrm center vector, eg [0,0,0]
Return type:vector list

Get the top center of a selection. Selection can be component or transform.

Parameters:transform (str) – Name of a node in maya.
Returns:The top center vector, eg [0,0,0]
Return type:vector list
get_closest_transform(source_transform, targets)

Given the list of target transforms, find the closest to the source transform.

  • source_transform (str) – The name of the transform to test distance to.
  • targets (list) – List of targets to test distance against.

The name of the target in targets that is closest to source_transform.

Return type:



Given a list of transforms, find the middle index. If the list is even, then find the midpoint between the middle two indices.

Parameters:transform_list (list) – A list of transforms in order. Transforms should make a hierarchy or a sequence, where the order of the list matches the order in space.
Returns:[x,y,z] the midpoint.
Return type:list
get_distance(source, target)

Get the distance between the source transform and the target transform.

  • source (str) – The name of a transform.
  • target (str) – The name of a transform.

The distance between source and target transform.

Return type:


get_midpoint(source, target)

Get the midpoint between the source transform and the target transform.

  • source (str) – The name of a transform.
  • target (str) – The name of a transform.

The midpoint as [0,0,0] vector between source and target transform.

Return type:

vector list

get_distances(sources, target)

Given a list of source transforms, return a list of distances to the target transform

  • sources (list) – The names of a transforms.
  • target (str) – The name of a transform.

The distances betweeen each source and the target.

Return type:


get_polevector(transform1, transform2, transform3, offset=1)

Given 3 transforms eg. arm, elbow, wrist. Return a vector of where the pole vector should be located.

  • transform1 (str) – name of a transform in maya. eg. joint_arm.
  • transform2 (str) – name of a transform in maya. eg. joint_elbow.
  • transform3 (str) – name of a transform in maya. eg. joint_wrist.

The triangle plane vector eg. [0,0,0]. This is good for placing the pole vector.

Return type:

vector list

get_group_in_plane(transform1, transform2, transform3)

Create a group that sits in the triangle plane defined by the 3 transforms.

  • transform1 (str) – name of a transform in maya. eg. joint_arm.
  • transform2 (str) – name of a transform in maya. eg. joint_elbow.
  • transform3 (str) – name of a transform in maya. eg. joint_wrist.

The triangle plane vector eg. [0,0,0]. This is good for placing the pole vector.

Return type:

vector list

get_ordered_distance_and_transform(source_transform, transform_list)

Return a list of distances based on how far each transform in transform list is from source_transform. Return a distance dictionary with each distacne key returning the corresponding transform. Return a list with the original distance order has fed in from transform_list.

  • source_transform (str) –
  • transform_list (list) –


get_transform_list_from_distance(source_transform, transform_list)

Return a list of distances that corresponds to the transform_list. Each transform’s distance from source_transform.

get_side(transform, center_tolerance)

Get the side of a transform based on its position in world space. Center tolerance is distance from the center to include as a center transform.

  • transform (str) – The name of a transform.
  • center_tolerance (float) – How close to the center the transform must be before it is considered in the center.

The side that the transform is on, could be ‘L’,’R’ or ‘C’.

Return type:


get_axis_vector(transform, axis_vector)

This currently only works on transforms that have not been frozen. It does not work on joints.

Get the vector matrix product. If you give it a vector [1,0,0], it will return the transform’s x point. If you give it a vector [0,1,0], it will return the transform’s y point. If you give it a vector [0,0,1], it will return the transform’s z point.

  • transform (str) – The name of a transform. Its matrix will be checked.
  • axis_vector (list) – A vector. X = [1,0,0], Y = [0,1,0], Z = [0,0,1]

The result of multiplying the vector by the matrix. Good to get an axis in relation to the matrix.

Return type:


create_follow_fade(source_guide, drivers, skip_lower=0.0001)

Create a multiply divide for each transform in drivers with a weight value based on the distance from source_guide.

  • source_guide (str) – Name of a transform in maya to calculate distance.
  • drivers (list) – List of drivers to apply fade to based on distance from source_guide.
  • skip_lower (float) – The distance below which multiplyDivide fading stops.

The list of multiplyDivide nodes.

Return type:


create_match_group(transform, prefix=’match’, use_duplicate=False)

Create a group that matches a transform. Naming = ‘match_’ + transform

  • transform (str) – The transform to match.
  • prefix (str) – The prefix to add to the matching group.
  • use_duplicate (bool) – If True, matching happens by duplication instead of changing transform values.

The name of the new group.

Return type:


create_xform_group(transform, prefix=’xform’, use_duplicate=False, copy_scale=False)

Create a group above a transform that matches transformation of the transform. This is good for zeroing out the values of a transform. Naming = ‘xform_’ + transform

  • transform (str) – The transform to match.
  • prefix (str) – The prefix to add to the matching group.
  • use_duplicate (bool) – If True, matching happens by duplication instead of changing transform values.

The name of the new group.

Return type:


create_follow_group(source_transform, target_transform, prefix=’follow’, follow_scale=False, use_duplicate=False)

Create a group above a target_transform that is constrained to the source_transform.

  • source_transform (str) – The transform to follow.
  • target_transform (str) – The transform to make follow.
  • prefix (str) – The prefix to add to the follow group.
  • follow_scale (bool) – Wether to add a scale constraint or not.

The name of the new group.

Return type:


create_local_follow_group(source_transform, target_transform, prefix=’followLocal’, orient_only=False, connect_scale=False)

Create a group above a target_transform that is local constrained to the source_transform. This helps when setting up controls that need to be parented but only affect what they constrain when the actual control is moved.

  • source_transform (str) – The transform to follow.
  • target_transform (str) – The transform to make follow.
  • prefix (str) – The prefix to add to the follow group.
  • orient_only (bool) – Wether the local constraint should just be an orient constraint.

The name of the new group.

Return type:


create_multi_follow_direct(source_list, target_transform, node, constraint_type=’parentConstraint’, attribute_name=’follow’, value=None)

Create a group above the target that is constrained to multiple transforms. A switch attribute switches their state on/off. Direct in this case means the constraints will be added directly on the target_transform.

  • source_list (list) – List of transforms that the target should be constrained by.
  • target_transform (str) – The name of a transform that should follow the transforms in source list.
  • node (str) – The name of the node to add the switch attribute to.
  • constraint_type (str) – Corresponds to maya’s constraint types. Currently supported: parentConstraint, pointConstraint, orientConstraint.
  • attribute_name (str) – The name of the switch attribute to add to the node.
  • value (float) – The value to give the switch attribute on the node.

The name of the new group.

Return type:


create_multi_follow(source_list, target_transform, node=None, constraint_type=’parentConstraint’, attribute_name=’follow’, value=None, create_title=True)

Create a group above the target that is constrained to multiple transforms. A switch attribute switches their state on/off. Direct in this case means the constraints will be added directly on the target_transform.

  • source_list (list) – List of transforms that the target should be constrained by.
  • target_transform (str) – The name of a transform that should follow the transforms in source list.
  • node (str) – The name of the node to add the switch attribute to.
  • constraint_type (str) – Corresponds to maya’s constraint types. Currently supported: parentConstraint, pointConstraint, orientConstraint.
  • attribute_name (str) – The name of the switch attribute to add to the node.
  • value (float) – The value to give the switch attribute on the node.

The name of the new group.

Return type:


get_xform_group(transform, xform_group_prefix=’xform’)

This returns an xform group above the control.

Parameters:name (str) – The prefix name supplied when creating the xform group. Usually xform or driver.

Return the name of the node including the hierarchy in the name using “|”. This is the full path of the node.

Parameters:node_name (str) – A node name.
Returns:The node name with hierarchy included. The full path to the node.
Return type:str
has_parent(transform, parent)

Check to see if the transform has parent in its parent hierarchy.

  • transform (str) – The name of a transform.
  • parent (str) – The name of a parent transform.


transfer_relatives(source_node, target_node, reparent=False)

Reparent the children of source_node under target_node. If reparent, move the target_node under the parent of the source_node.

  • source_node (str) – The name of a transform to take relatives from.
  • target_node (str) – The name of a transform to transfer relatives to.
  • reparent (bool) – Wether to reparent target_node under source_node after transfering relatives.
constrain_local(source_transform, target_transform, parent=False, scale_connect=False, constraint=’parentConstraint’, connect_xform=False, use_duplicate=False)

Constrain a target transform to a source transform in a way that allows for setups to remain local to the origin. This is good when a control needs to move with the rig, but move something at the origin only when the actually control moves.

  • source_transform (str) – The name of a transform.
  • target_transform (str) – The name of a transform.
  • parent (bool) – The setup uses a local group to constrain the target_transform. If this is true it will parent the target_transform under the local group.
  • scale_connect (bool) – Wether to also add a scale constraint.
  • constraint (str) – The type of constraint to use. Currently supported: parentConstraint, pointConstraint, orientConstraint.

The local group that constrains the target_transform, and the xform group above the local group.

Return type:

(str, str)

subdivide_joint(joint1=None, joint2=None, count=1, prefix=’joint’, name=’sub_1’, duplicate=False)

Add evenly spaced joints inbetween joint1 and joint2.

  • joint1 (str) – The first joint. If None given, the first selected joint.
  • joint2 (str) – The second joint. If None given, the second selected joint.
  • count (int) – The number of joints to add inbetween joint1 and joint2.
  • prefix (str) – The prefix to add in front of the new joints.
  • name (str) – The name to give the new joints after the prefix. Name = prefix + ‘_’ + name
  • duplicate (bool) – Wether to create a duplicate chain.

List of the newly created joints.

Return type:



Orient all transforms with attributes added by add_orient_attributes. If scope is provided, only orient transforms in the scope that have attributes.

Parameters:scope (list) – List of transforms to orient.

Add orient joint. This will create an up and an aim joint.

Parameters:joint (str) – The name of the joint to add the up and the aim to.
orient_x_to_child(joint, invert=False)

Helper function to quickly orient a joint to its child.

  • joint (str) – The name of the joint to orient. Must have a child.
  • invert (bool) – Wether to mirror the orient for right side.

Try to find the right side of a transform. _L will be converted to *_R if not L_ will be converted to R_* if not lf_ will be converted to rt_

Parameters:transform (str) – The name of a transform.
Returns:The name of the right side transform if it exists.
Return type:str

Try to find the right side of a transform. _R will be converted to *_L if not R_ will be converted to L_* if not rt_ will be converted to lf_

Parameters:transform (str) – The name of a transform.
Returns:The name of the right side transform if it exists.
Return type:str
mirror_xform(prefix=None, suffix=None, string_search=None)

Mirror the positions of all transforms that match the search strings. If search strings left at None, search all transforms and joints.

  • prefix (str) – The prefix to search for.
  • suffix (str) – The suffix to search for.
  • string_search (str) – Search for a name containing string search.
mirror_invert(transform, other=None)

If transform is joint_lip_L and there is a corresponding joint_lip_R, this will change joint_lip_R to have space that mirrors joint_lip_L.

match_all_transform_values(source_transform, target_transform)

Match transform values from source to target.

match_joint_xform(prefix, other_prefix)

Match the positions of joints with similar names. For example, skin_arm_L could be matched to joint_arm_L, if they exists and prefix = skin and other_prefix = joint. :param prefix: :type prefix: str :param other_prefix: :type other_prefix: str

match_orient(prefix, other_prefix)

Match the orientations of joints with similar names. For example, skin_arm_L could be matched to joint_arm_L, if they exists and prefix = skin and other_prefix = joint. :param prefix: :type prefix: str :param other_prefix: :type other_prefix: str

create_no_twist_aim(source_transform, target_transform, parent, move_vector=[0, 0, 1])

Aim target transform at the source transform, trying to rotate only on one axis. Constrains the target_transform.

  • source_transform (str) – The name of a transform.
  • target_transform (str) – The name of a transform.
  • parent (str) – The parent for the setup.
create_pole_chain(top_transform, btm_transform, name, solver=’ikSCsolver’)

Create a two joint chain with an ik handle.

  • top_transform (str) – The name of a transform.
  • btm_transform (str) – The name of a transform.
  • name (str) – The name to give the new joints.

(joint1, joint2, ik_pole)

Return type:



Scale constraint can work wrong when given the parent matrix. Disconnect the parent matrix to remove this behavior. Reconnect using scale_constraint_to_world if applying multiple constraints.

Parameters:scale_constraint (str) – The name of the scale constraint to work on.

Works with scale_constraint_to_local.

Parameters:scale_constraint (str) – The name of the scale constraint affected by scale_constraint_to_local.
duplicate_joint_section(joint, name=”)

Joint chains ususally have a parent and a child along the chain. This will duplicate one of those sections. You need only supply the parent joint.

  • joint (str) – The name of the joint to duplicate.
  • name (str) – The name to give the joint section.

[duplicate, sub duplicate]. If no sub duplicate, then [duplicate, None]

Return type:


transforms_to_joint_chain(transforms, name=”)

Given a list of transforms, create a joint chain.

  • transforms (list) – List of transforms. Their positions will be used to set joint positions.
  • name (str) – The description to give the joints.

The names of the joints created.

Return type:


attach_to_closest_transform(source_transform, target_transforms)

Attach the source_transform to the closest transform in the list of target_transforms.

  • source_transform (str) – The name of a transform to check distance to.
  • target_transforms (list) – List of transforms. The closest to source_transform will be attached to it.

A ghost chain has the same hierarchy has the supplied transforms. It connects into the an xform group above the transform. This allows for setups that follow a nurbs surface, and then work like an fk hierarchy after.

Parameters:transforms (list) – A list of transforms.
Returns:A list of ghost transforms corresponding to transforms.
Return type:list
set_space_scale(scale_x, scale_y, scale_z, transform)
connect_inverse_scale(transform, joint)
randomize(translate=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], rotate=[1, 1, 1], scale=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], transforms=None)

Good for giving subtle randomness to many transforms.

translate (list): 3 value list. The values work as the amount it can deviate in positive and negative. rotate (list): 3 value list. The values work as the amount it can deviate in positive and negative. scale (list): 3 value list. How much the scale can deviate from 1.