Joint Orient Intro ------------------ Structure files will often use joints with orientation info built in. ORIENT INFO =========== .. figure:: images/joint_and_orient.PNG Orient Joints Button ==================== Use the Orient Joints button to orient all joints that have the ORIENT INFO attributes. The small **Add Orient** button can be used to add the attributes to any selected joint. .. figure:: images/OrientJointsButton.PNG ORIENT INFO settings ==================== Joints have an orientation. Their X, Y and Z axis point a certain way depending on that orientation. These settings let you define which way the joint is pointing. This can be important to achieve certain effects for animators. .. figure:: images/OrientInfoAttributes.PNG Aim Axis ^^^^^^^^ The axis of aim. This tells the orientation which direction it should point. Options include X,Y,Z,-X,-Y,-Z. The negative axis flips to the opposite direction. Up Axis ^^^^^^^ The axis that points up. Options include X,Y,Z,-X,-Y,-Z. The negative axis flips to the opposite direction. World Up Axis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This tells the joint what world it lives in. Most of the time the joint lives in a world where Y points up. However sometimes it can help if the world up axis points in Z or X, especially if a joint is more comfortable with those alignments. Aim At ^^^^^^ This tells the joint what its Aim Axis should aim at. :world_X: Aim in world X direction. :world_Y: Aim in world Y direction. :world_Z: Aim in world Z direction. :child: This tells the joint to aim at its first child. :parent: This tells the joint to aim at its parent. :local_parent: This tells the joint to aim at a local parent. Which is like aiming at parent, but with a negative aim axis. Aim Up At ^^^^^^^^^ This tells the aim up what space it lives in or what it should aim up at. It tries its best, but AimAt has priority. :world: Aim up at the world. :parent_rotate: Aim up in the same space as the parent. :child_position: The up axis will try its best to point at the child. :parent_position: The up axis will try its best to point at the parent. :triangle_plane: This is the most advanced up. It will create a triangle from Triangle Top, Triangle Mid and Triangle Btm and try to point the up in the same direction that the Triangle Mid points. Triangle Top, Mid and Btm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This lets you set what Aim Up At - triangle_plane uses to construct its triangle. The position in space will be used for each corner of the triangle. :grand_parent: From the current joint, go up the hierachy twice. :parent: From the current joint, go up the hierarchy once. :self: Use the current joint. :child: From the current joint, go down the hierarchy once. :grand_child: From the current joint, go down the hierarchy twice.